Confirmation of State Payments to Counties and Cities

Municipal Services Confirmation of State Payments
This page contains Confirmation of State Payments to Counties and Cities by calendar year.
Please use the links in the Confirmations section below to access the county or city page for the calendar year desired.  Once on the page, you will be able to open the confirmations for the desired county or city.  

The confirmations below were prepared by extracting payment data from the state's accounting system.  If any discrepancies are found between the municipality's records and the confirmation, please contact the state agency at the telephone number provided in the State Agency Contacts Listing below.  
Confirmations (Through February 2025)
Select Calendar Year :*

Select Confirmation Statements For:*

State Agency Contacts Listing

1034Adjutant General (Emergency Preparedness)785-646-2202
2039Department of Aging and Disability Services785-296-4986
3046Department of Agriculture785-564-6731
4082Crime Victims Compensation Board785-296-2359
5083Kansas Bureau of Investigation785-296-8200
6143Kansas Corporation Commission785-271-3100
7173Department of Administration785-296-2846
8175Kansas Housing Resources Corporation785-291-3120
9206Emergency Medical Services Board785-296-7296
10252Governors Grant Office785-291-3205
11264Department of Health and Environment785-296-1500
12276Department of Transportation785-296-3545
13288State Historical Society785-272-8681
14300Department of Commerce785-296-3481
15367Kansas State University785-532-6210
16434State Library785-296-3296
17521Department of Corrections785-746-7469
18561Kansas Board of Regents785-296-1862
19565Department of Revenue785-296-3838
20622Secretary of State785-296-4564
21626Sentencing Commission785-296-0923
22629Department of Children and Families785-296-2053
23634Department of Agriculture - Division of Conservation785-296-3600
24652Department of Education785-296-4923
25670State Treasurer785-296-3171
26709Kansas Water Office785-296-3185
27710Department of Wildlife Parks and Tourism620-672-0747