FAQ Options

Vendor Application Form


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q - I know there was a discount for a particular vendor a few months back, but now I cannot find the information on the website. How do I get the discount?
A - The website contains all current STAR employee discounts. If a particular vendor or discount is not listed, it has expired or been removed. Some discount offers are for a limited time, and generally no contracts exist between the vendor and the State of Kansas or the STAR Program, so either party may choose to discontinue a discount offer at any time.

Q - Can I suggest a discount?
A - The STAR Program welcomes any suggestions or ideas. For best results, refer a specific business to the employee discount program and not general types of discount suggestions. For example, referring a specific dry cleaning vendor is better than submitting a comment that dry cleaning discounts should be added. Remember, the STAR Program does not actively contact or solicit discount offers, so the addition of new and exciting discounts relies heavily on employee referrals. It is preferred that all vendors are referred directly to the STAR Employee Discount Program website, where an online application may be submitted.

Q - Why are no discounts available to me, or in my area?
A – Generally, all STAR discounts are available to all employees, regardless of branch of government or geographical location (in some instances the vendor may have exclusions to a discount offer). However, we understand that certain discounts may not offer the same real value to all employees. For example, a discount for a health club located only in the Topeka area may not provide a real advantage to employees in other areas of the state. It is recommended that employees refer any specific discount information for any vendor, in any part of the state, to the STAR Program. No vendor will be turned away because of location or size.

Q - The price a discount vendor quoted me was more than or equal to regular customers who are not eligible for a discount. I thought I was supposed to save money?
A - The STAR Program does not guarantee or negotiate discounts. Employees should always research and compare prices and level of service before making any purchase. Remember, the State of Kansas or STAR Program does not endorse any of the discount vendors and assumes no responsibility for any purchases or contracts between the vendor and employee. Also, be sure that the discount vendor is aware that you are a State of Kansas employee and eligible for a discount. If the STAR website shows a specific price or discount, let the vendor know. If an employee is being denied a discount that is listed on the STAR website (for example, the vendor is asking for an account number and nothing is listed on the website), you may contact the STAR Coordinator for assistance. Finally, if in fact the discount is no discount at all, please notify the STAR Coordinator. Vendors that are not offering a real discount may be removed from the employee discount program.